African Bloodstone Meaning and Healing Properties

African Bloodstone Meaning and Healing Properties


African bloodstone, also known as Setonite, is a chalcedony and jasper family member. This deep green gemstone with red spot has been sought out for many years for its fascinating appearance and powerful healing properties. African bloodstone has a long history of talking about making it a must-have gemstone for collectors. Interested? Follow us and find more information about African bloodstones.


What is African Bloodstone?


African bloodstone is a charming green gem whose red or brown spots come from impurities in iron oxide. This gemstone spreads all over the world. Since the best stone species are from Madagascar and Africa, the red spots on the stones are very like blood drops, giving its name African bloodstone. African bloodstone also gets another name heliotrope. This kind of stone is said to remind people of plants facing the sun. In Greek words, “helio” means the sun, while “tropos” means facing the sun.

african bloodstone crystal stone

The History of African Bloodstone

African bloodstone has a long history. In the gem family, it is difficult to find a gemstone with more historical value than gemstones. There are many beautiful legends about this magic stone. One legend is that the shards of the Holy Grail fell into the world and became African bloodstones. Another more famous tale is that this stone was formed from blood drops that fell on the ground during the crucifixion of Jesus. Although these legends are fictional, they prove that people have loved and cherished this stone for thousands of years.

The earliest records of using African blood stones can date back to ancient Egypt.The African bloodstone is called the stone of courage, and the ancient Egyptians thought it was a magical stone. Hence, warriors carried it as a talisman to help stop bleeding and protect them from the evil eye. African bloodstone was also popular in ancient Greece and Rome. Researchers have found many traces of African bloodstones from the ruins of ancient Rome.

Then in the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that its dark green color and red spots were associated with death and violence, making it an unlucky stone. Gradually, the stone fell out of favor for a time.

Fortunately, it didn’t last long. The stone was once again loved during the Renaissance for its unique appearance and powerful healing powers. This stone is believed to reflect sunlight like a mirror, so it is also known as the Heliotrope. Heliotrope is widely used as signet stamps and jewelry and is also carved into decorative cups, small vases and figurines.

The African blood gemstone is also seen as a stone of noble sacrifice, offering courage and comfort to all who are called to give of themselves for the good of others. So it is often used in mourning jewelry to comfort those who have lost a loved one.

Now the bloodstone is still in the service, and its mysterious history and magical energy attract more and more crystal lovers.

african bloodstone products

Healing Properties of African Bloodstone

Not only was African bloodstone is sought out as a talisman for health , but it was believed to bring good luck, wealth and prosperity to its owner. It is said that African bloodstone is beneficial to your body, emotion, and spiritual balance. Read more to explore the amazing healing power of this precious stone.

The African bloodstone has been considered a protective stone and has had strong protective properties throughout the ages. Not only does it protect your body from evil spirits, but it also protects you from deception. Bloodstone gives you the strength to face life’s threats with courage. So wearing African bloodstones with you can protect you from threats.

When you’re low on motivation, this magic stone lifts your spirits and rejuvenates your body. And keep your mind clear and guide you to make the right decision.

African blood stone inspires you to pursue your dreams and enhances your intuition. For people engaged in creativity-related industries, African bloodstone is a beneficial helper. It can help you improve your creativity and bless the project from start to realization.

The stone is also said to activate the immune system and prevent disease. African bloodstone stimulates the body’s immune organs and enhances the body’s immune function to resist a series of illnesses, including colds and inflammation. In ancient cultures, the chicken bloodstone carried the sun’s energy, which can prevent injuries and promote wound healing, so warriors carried it with them.

Bloodstone is also believed to be a goddess stone that nourishes mothers, helps with women’s problems, and plays a role in childbirth and in establishing bonding between mother and child.

afrian bloodstone tower

African Bloodstone and Chakra

African bloodstone has a strong healing effect on your chakras. It works on those lower chakras so that the body’s energy can be circulated from the head to the feet to keep your body in balance.

The African bloodstone is tightly connected with your root chakra. The root chakra is located at the bottom of the spine, controlling the sense of movement and energy. It allows us to root like a tree to stand firmly in place. African bloodstone can strengthen the root chakra, remove the obstacles from the body, and rebalance the root chakra, so our body can regain strength.

African blood stones can also stimulate the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the body and can regulate the interaction between the body and the external environment. When the heart chakras are out of balance, the heart will be confined to a narrow-minded space. African bloodstone can deal with these obstacles, let our hearts embrace a broader space, and maintain an excellent attitude to face life’s difficulties. In addition, African bloodstones can eliminate stress and irritability and bring a smooth energy flow full of good luck.

The Use of African Bloodstone Crystal

In spite of its rich history, African bloodstone is prized by mineral collectors for its dark green and red-spotted appearance that sets it apart from other stones. And it’s low-cost and easy to get, making it an excellent choice for jewelry decoration.

You make full use of African bloodstone by wearing it as jewelry. The jewelry crystal can give you energy and healing properties at any time and any place. Plus, you can use African bloodstones when doing yoga or meditation to heal the unbalanced body. Besides, placing this bloodstone at your working place is also a good choice. This beautiful stone can not only decorate your room but also clear away the negative energy.

African Bloodstone As A Birthstone

Nowadays, aquamarine is regarded as the birthstone of March, but historically, African bloodstone was the birthstone of March. The blue gemstone brings prosperity, new life, and wealth to the wearer, while the  bloodstone crystal brings novel ideas to those born in March and protects them from bullies. So people born under the signs of Libra and Pisces can benefit from wearing the bloodstone birthstone, a magical stone that helps them fulfill their hidden dreams.

African Bloodstone Crystal Price

African bloodstones have been reported worldwide; most bloodstones currently on the market come from India, Australia, Madagascar, and Brazil. However, the best-looking African bloodstones come from Africa. African bloodstone was once very expensive due to its powerful energies and unique appearance, but now it is easy to mine and buy, making it very affordable.

Like many precious stones, the price of bloodstone crystal is determined by many factors, such as clarity, size, shape, and quality. This does not mean that the bigger the stone, the higher the price. Many factors like the craftsmanship and design of the stone also affect the price of African bloodstone.

bloodstone tumble stone

How to Care African Bloodstone

Regular cleaning and recharging are essential for gemstones so that they can radiate their best healing power. African bloodstone is a protective stone that can effectively clear away negative energies, which means regular cleaning is especially important. Just place the gemstone in warm water, and the flowing water can take away the heavy vibration of the bloodstone. The more natural the water, the better the cleaning. So spring water is the best choice for cleaning.

The earth’s energy is deep and long, and burying the bloodstone in the soil can deeply clean the African bloodstone and inject the earth’s energy into the bloodstone.

FAQ about African Bloodstone

  1. Is African Bloodstone A Jasper?

Yes, African bloodstone is a kind of jasper and dark green variety of chalcedony, a mineral in the quartz family. But it has a difference from the common jasper. Although the bloodstone and jasper have grainy structures, the deep green color and red spot inside set them apart.

  1. Where is African Bloodstone Found

African bloodstone is a quite rich mineral that found in various place in Africa, including South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Angola. In South Africa, it is particularly abundant in the areas around the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Besides this stone has also been found in other parts of the world, such as Australia, Brazil, China, India, and the United States.

  1. What is African Bloodstone Good for?

Bloodstone healing crystals are believed to have many potential benefits. It benefits physical health, self-protection, emotional healing, and creativity. But these benefits I mentioned are based on belief. So this stone should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice.

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