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Fluorite Crystal

Wholesale fluorite crystals and stones and enjoy the amazing healing power they bring you. You can bulk buy fluorite crystals like rainbow fluorite, green fluorite, purple fluorite, and blue fluorite.

Fluorite crystal is a beautiful gemstone that has many colors. Fluorite stone is well known for absorbing negative energy and turning it into a negative one. So when one is emotionally unbalanced, fluorite crystal is your ideal choice to boost the energy flow.
Based on their color, fluorite stones have different categories, each with different meanings.
Rainbow fluorite: just as the name goes, rainbow fluorite has colors from white to green and purple. It is just as radiate as the rainbow. Rainbow fluorite benefits focus, creativity, and more. Whether you are looking for a crystal to keep focus or a gift that can enhance your creativity, rainbow fluorite is in your collection.
Green fluorite: Green fluorite is related to the heart chakra, which performs well when it comes to cleansing energy. When one feels bored, wearing green fluorite will bring amazing thinking into your body so you will find a higher purpose in life.
Purple fluorite: Purple fluorite soon get its popularity for its charming outlook and amazing healing properties. This purple crystal means inner peace, just like the amethyst, thanks to its lavender shade. The purple fluorite is closely related to the third eye chakra, the energy source. It brings protection and love to your life. Therefore, purple fluorite is a perfect amulet.
Yellow fluorite: Yellow Fluorite, also known as golden fluorite, is a crystal of solidarity, wisdom, and creative power. This yellow crystal works on solar plexus chakra to make you move as your ideal and make it come into reality. Yellow fluorite also boosts group work and brings cooperative inspiration so they are willing to work together for one goal.